For a fencing, gate and security project at a school or educational facility, it's essential to work with companies who understand the specific requirements of this sort of project. Schools are complex sites with a variety of multi-use buildings and facilities as well as varying landscapes, surfaces and materials necessitating a unique approach. Right Metal Fencing's experience undertaking such projects for schools across Western Australia mean they are the first choice for quality and efficiency.
Right Metal Fencing understands the distinctive nature of projects and developments at educational facilities, particularly the levels of accountability requiring the most comprehensive, reliable and accurate quotations. With multifaceted project teams including architects, contractors, stakeholders, and school communities, we play a seamless part of the overall project. Furthermore, we know that in any educational environment, regard for safety and security is a foremost priority. You can trust Right Metal Fencing to uphold the highest of safety standard for our products now and into the future, and ensure the security of students and facilities with superior products for years to come.
Past Projects
Over the years, Right Metal Fencing has been involved in the manufacture, installation, and maintenance of many fencing requirements to both metropolitan and regional schools throughout Western Australia. Some of our past installations include:
- Chisholm Catholic College
- Halls Head Primary School
- St Helena's Catholic Primary
- Quinns Baptist College
- Sacret Heart Primary Thornlie
- Al Hidayah Islamic School
- Trinity College
- Carey Baptist College
- Mercy College Mirrabooka
- North Yanchep Primary School
- Frederick Irwin Anglican School
So for fencing, gates, handrails and balustrades, as well as a vast range of security and automation options, trust that Right Metal Fencing has the expertise and experience to exceed your expectations.